The Physical Effects of Cocaine: The High, Crash, & Aftermath
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The Physical Effects of Cocaine: The High, Crash, & Aftermath
January 22, 2020
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Recovery is a lifelong journey that comes with many challenges and tribulations that they do not always cover in rehab.
Among these challenges can be telling people you’re in recovery. For some, this may be easy. For many others, this can be a struggle that is not easy to overcome. However, sharing your sobriety with those closest to you is inevitable, especially if you want to have the support of your loved ones. It may take time to articulate your “why” and find out what you’re comfortable sharing, so in the meantime, here are some tips for telling people “I’m sober” that can help.
How to Tell People You’re Sober
Whether you just finished drug or alcohol addiction treatment, or you have been out of rehab for a year now, you may still struggle with how to tell people you’re sober. This can be a challenge for many recovering addicts. Our Christian drug rehabilitation center shares a few tips to help you navigate your way through this process.
Avoid the Details
There are certain negative details that you may want to leave out of your story or testimony, at least for now. While you’re more than welcome to share as many details about your recovery as possible, consider that not everyone needs to know about your time at rock bottom or the intimate details about times when your addiction peaked. Sometimes, telling people that you had a drug or alcohol problem and that you’re working on getting and staying sober is enough.
Expect Negative Reactions
Unfortunately, some of our closest friends and family members tend to speak out of anger, confusion, frustration, or shock without thinking of how their words may affect us. This is often the case when telling people you’re sober. While you’re likely to have plenty of support in recovery, sometimes you’ll come across an old drinking buddy that thinks you’re “crazy” for quitting or someone whose opinion of you will change because of your history with addiction. While you can’t always be sure of others’ reactions, be confident in knowing that getting sober is one of the best decisions you will ever make.
Only Tell Who You Want
You are not required to tell people you’re in recovery if you don’t want to, but you also shouldn’t struggle with the burden of hiding it. While you do not need to inform all of your coworkers, you should probably tell your closest friends so that they can support you. Start by telling those closest to you, and then as you get more comfortable, you can tell others as you see fit.
Be Prepared for Questions
The first time you share news of your sobriety with others, you’re likely to be bombarded with questions. You’re likely to get hit with questions like “Why did you stop drinking/using drugs?” “Did you really have that big of a problem?” “Is it forever, or will you be able to drink again?” and “How do you have fun now?” It may take some time, but you’ll learn how to answer these questions effectively without sharing more than you’re comfortable with.
Lean on Faith
If you are struggling to tell people about your sobriety, especially someone close to you, you can pray to God for strength. As a Christian drug rehab, we understand that early recovery is a difficult time, but relying on your faith can help get you through it. With God’s guidance, you will eventually be able to tell someone you’re a recovering addict without any hesitation.
Don’t Try to “Save” Anyone
While telling people you’re sober or telling people you’re in recovery and sharing your story could potentially encourage someone else to make the same decision, the only person in the world you can save is yourself. At the end of the day, all you can do is share your experience and hope that anyone else who’s battling addiction chooses to get sober, too. It’s never your job to “save” anyone from addiction. Putting this kind of pressure on yourself is not only unhealthy, but it’s also unrealistic. It can also set you up for some serious disappointment, which can negatively impact your progress.
Forgive yourself
Before you are okay with telling people you stopped drinking alcohol or doing drugs, you need to become comfortable with your sobriety first. While 12-step meetings may have talked about forgiveness and making amends, many recovering addicts struggle with feelings of guilt and shame even after treatment. Instead of focusing on the wrongs from your time as an addict, focus on the improvements you already made and your future. Once you forgive yourself, you will be able to look at recovery in a positive light and be more comfortable telling others you are sober.
Get Started at Faith in Recovery
No matter how long you or a loved one has been battling drug or alcohol abuse, it’s never too late to change your life. Our facility offers various options for Christ-centered addiction treatment to help people with all kinds of substance use disorders achieve sobriety.
To get started on your recovery, call Faith in Recovery today at 888-280-4763 or share your contact information with us, and we’ll call you.
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