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Using the Seventh Step Prayer in Recovery


Because addiction can affect both a person’s physical and spiritual health, many people will utilize prayer, scripture, and bible studies in their recovery journey. If you’ve heard of using the St. Francis of Assisi prayer in recovery, then you may have heard of the other prayers of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are different prayers assigned to each phase of the program that are meant to motivate individuals in addiction recovery. Using the Seventh Step Prayer of AA has helped many people reach and sustain sobriety. Below is more on this prayer and how it can benefit you or a loved one in achieving and sustaining sobriety.

At our Christian drug rehab, we understand how beneficial prayer can be for someone recovering from substance abuse. A long-term dependency on drugs or alcohol can mentally and physically take over a person’s life. By building your relationship with God and strengthening your faith, you can find the motivation to move forward in life and stay clean.

What Is the Seventh Step of AA?

The seventh step of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) encourages a humble and introspective approach toward one's shortcomings and character defects. It is a crucial stage in the 12-step program. The seventh step is as follows:

Step Seven: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."

In this step, individuals acknowledge the imperfections and flaws that contribute to their addiction. They then seek guidance and support from a higher power to help remove these character defects. The key elements in this step include humility, self-awareness, and a willingness to change. It marks a pivotal moment in the recovery process, as it emphasizes personal growth and transformation.

It's important for individuals going through the AA or 12-step program to work closely with a recovery sponsor or mentor to navigate these steps effectively and to gain a deeper understanding of their shortcomings. This step aligns with the holistic approach to addiction recovery and emphasizes the spiritual and psychological aspects of the process.

Why Is Prayer Essential to Step 7?

The main reason why prayer is essential to the seventh step of AA is that it symbolizes and reinforces the act of surrender. In the context of the seventh step, participants are asked to humbly acknowledge their character defects and shortcomings. This is not just a passive admission but an active surrender to the fact that they cannot overcome these defects on their own.

Prayer serves as a practical and tangible expression of this surrender. By reaching out to a higher power through prayer, individuals are admitting that they need help. This is a fundamental and transformative aspect of the recovery process.

Surrender is a cornerstone of the 12-step philosophy, as it signifies a shift from self-reliance and self-will to a willingness to rely on a higher power for guidance, strength, and support. By humbly asking for the removal of shortcomings through prayer, individuals are actively engaging in this process of surrender, taking responsibility for their actions and making it a critical element of the seventh step in AA.

What Is the Seventh Step Prayer?

The AA seventh-step prayer is meant to be a humble cry for help and submission to God. This prayer highlights the importance of humility and willingness to ask God for help. The seventh step prayer of AA is as follows:

“My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character that stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen.”1

If you’ve received alcohol addiction treatment, you may be able to understand the emotional distress that is often involved in recovery. Prayer is a positive and healthy way to manage negative emotions through this trying time and learn how to be led by God.

The Focus of the Seventh-Step Prayer

The AA’s Seventh Step Prayer focuses on humility. It’s easy to be defensive or even arrogant about any shortcomings in your sobriety. However, attempting to manage the journey with this mindset can make it much more difficult. Using the Seventh Step Prayer in recovery can help you truly humble yourself before God and approach the situation with a better attitude.

Keep in mind that any sort of pride or arrogance on your part can defeat the purpose of this prayer. To fully benefit from God’s help, you need to be open and willing to lean on his understanding.

As a Christian addiction recovery center, we understand that we don’t always receive immediate answers to our prayers. As with many other things in life, spiritual healing in recovery may take time. By using prayer in your sobriety, you can learn how to rely on God’s guidance and find your source of motivation in him.

If you or someone you know needs help to get sober, call Faith in Recovery today at 888-280-4763 or contact us online to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a specialist.


    1. Anon Press- Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer