How to Heal the Mind, Body, and Spirit in Recovery
November 8, 2018
Why Forgiveness is so Important for the Recovery Journey
December 8, 2018
How to Heal the Mind, Body, and Spirit in Recovery
November 8, 2018
Why Forgiveness is so Important for the Recovery Journey
December 8, 2018
What Are the Behavioral and Physical Signs of Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a disease that affects so many individuals and their loved ones, and sometimes it can be difficult to identify. If left untreated, this addiction can completely spiral out of control and produce serious long-term effects on the mind and body. The first step towards a changed lifestyle is for the addicted individual to admit that there is a problem and that professional help is needed. At Faith in Recovery, we provide customized alcohol addiction treatment where we combine a spiritual approach with our evidence-based treatment. If you are worried that your loved one has gone too far with their drinking, read on to learn about the behavioral and physical signs of alcoholism and how you should respond.
How to Tell if Someone Is an Alcohol Abuser
Excessive alcohol use causes a variety of symptoms to appear in a person's behavior and physical response. These symptoms point to an underlying problem and show the need for help and intervention. Individuals may seek the appropriate assistance as a result of recognizing these changes, which will help them live a better and more balanced life.
Common behaviors of alcoholics include:
- Secrecy and lying: People who are battling alcoholism may start keeping their drinking habits a secret, hiding alcohol bottles or stashes, or understating how much they drink.
- Changes in social circles: Alcoholics may begin to hang out more with people who abuse alcohol or drink excessively. They might cut links with loved ones or close pals, or they could stop engaging in non-drinking-related pursuits.
- Neglect of responsibilities: Alcoholism frequently results in a disregard for daily obligations like work or school commitments, household duties, and personal commitments. These people might put their drinking before their necessary commitments and obligations.
- Poor judgment and decision-making: Alcohol misuse can decrease cognitive function, which can result in these problems. Alcoholics may act recklessly or make snap decisions when they're intoxicated.
- Irritability and mood swings: Drinking can result in severe changes in mood and behavior, including irritability and mood swings. Particularly when they are unable to drink, alcoholics may exhibit frequent mood swings, aggression, or irritability.
- Legal/financial issues: Alcoholism often results in legal problems like driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI), or charges of public drunkenness. Additionally, because they spend significant sums of money on alcohol or possibly lose their jobs as a result of their drinking, alcoholics may run into financial troubles.
- Isolation: Alcoholics may distance themselves from friends and family and stop participating in social activities. To escape criticism or interruption, they might prefer to drink by themselves or in solitude.
- Continued drinking despite negative consequences: Alcoholics frequently continue to misuse alcohol even in the face of negative outcomes, including relationship challenges, health problems, or employment instability. This behavior shows how uncontrollable their drinking is despite the harm it causes in numerous facets of their lives.
There are also a number of physical symptoms of alcoholism that can point to the presence of a problem, including:
- Poor balance and coordination
- Flushing of the skin
- Glassy or bloodshot eyes
- Noticeable and rapid weight changes
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Lived-related problems
- Shaking and tremors
- Fatigue and difficulty sleeping
- Higher risk of infection
- Withdrawal symptoms upon stopping drinking
It's crucial to remember that the severity of the physical signs of alcoholism can vary and may be influenced by things like the length and frequency of drinking. If you or someone you know is exhibiting these symptoms, it is crucial to seek professional assistance and support in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and course of therapy.
Faith-Based Alcohol Treatment
If you are uncertain about how to help someone with alcoholism, take comfort in the fact that you do not have to do so alone. This is a serious disease that should come with individualized treatment and care before it’s too late. Sitting down with your loved one and expressing your concern over their drinking habits can save their life. It’s important to show support and compassion during this time. Faith-based addiction recovery guides individuals through alcohol treatment, as well as providing spirituality and meaning during the process. Patients will be able to strengthen their connection with God and take the time to heal from the addiction. Incorporating faith-based treatment has been extremely successful for many patients, fostering long-term recovery post-treatment.
At Faith in Recovery, we are committed to guiding our patients through the treatment process every step of the way, and we can ensure long-term success. We hope that those who need our help don't hesitate to reach out to us. This is because we know that our levels of care provide patients with the customized Christian addiction recovery they need to achieve sobriety.
If you are suffering from the addiction cycle and can’t seem to break free, contact Faith in Recovery at 888-280-4763 to learn more about our Christ-centered addiction treatment today.
Related Reading
If you are suffering from the addiction cycle and can’t seem to break free, contact Faith in Recovery at 888-280-4763 to learn more about our faith-based addiction treatment in South Florida today. Our holistic addiction treatment has helped so many individuals change their lives for the better.