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How to Tell People You Are in Recovery
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How to Tell People You Are in Recovery
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A Look Inside Meth Mouth

Illicit drugs are known for the health problems they can cause, but they can also lead to cosmetic damage as well.

Methamphetamine is a dangerous and highly addictive drug that can cause serious physical damage inside and out, including meth mouth.

What Is Meth Mouth?

Meth mouth, a term used to describe the severe oral health effects of methamphetamine use, often presents with rotting and missing teeth, numerous cavities, and gum disease characterized by red and swollen gums. Behavioral symptoms include the tendency to clench or grind teeth and a heightened craving for sugary drinks, both of which can exacerbate dental problems. In a study examining meth users, it was revealed that a staggering 96% of individuals exhibited cavities, with 58% experiencing untreated tooth decay. Moreover, the research highlighted a concerning statistic - only 23% of meth users retained all of their natural teeth, a stark contrast to the general population's rate of 48%. These findings underscore the significant impact of methamphetamine use on oral health, emphasizing the prevalence of dental issues such as cavities, tooth decay, and tooth loss within this population.

What Causes Meth Mouth?

In general, drugs can have devastating effects on a person’s physical health as well as their physical appearance, especially when abused for a long period of time. In particular, the physical effects of meth abuse are often more noticeable than other drugs as meth can cause everything from sores to meth mouth.

Meth mouth is the result of prolonged methamphetamine abuse, but why are the meth effects on teeth and the mouth so severe compared to other drugs? Many researchers believe that meth mouth is the result of both damage from common side effects of meth use as well as the neglect of dental hygiene. Individuals using methamphetamine can start to exhibit symptoms of Meth Mouth, including severe tooth decay and gum disease, within one year of beginning the drug.

One of the many symptoms of meth use is dry mouth or xerostomia. Dry mouth is reduced saliva flow and production in the mouth. Because saliva helps protect teeth by neutralizing acids and limiting bacteria growth, frequent dry mouth may be a large contributing factor for meth mouth.2 Along with dry mouth, many meth addicts grind their teeth when under the drug’s influence. Continued teeth grinding can cause teeth problems such as chipped teeth, loose teeth, and worn enamel.3

Along with the damage done by the dry mouth and teeth grinding, many drug addicts come to neglect basic hygiene practices including their dental hygiene. Because meth has become the controlling factor in their life, they may not take care of themselves or not visit the dentist regularly as they should. Many meth addicts may also have an unhealthy diet that lacks the proper nutrients they need and instead is filled with sugary foods. All of these factors will only make their dental problems worse.

How Does Meth Mouth Affect The Rest Of The Body?

Methamphetamine abuse, commonly known as meth use, leads to a range of severe health complications that manifest both in the short-term and long-term, aside from the well-documented condition known as meth mouth. In the immediate aftermath of meth use, individuals often experience a range of acute symptoms including shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, insomnia, decreased appetite, tremors, and trouble breathing. These immediate effects highlight the significant toll that meth takes on the body shortly after ingestion.

As meth abuse continues, the long-term effects become more pronounced and severe, posing serious health risks. These effects may include an irregular heartbeat, stroke, high blood pressure, violent or aggressive behavior, confusion, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. Each of these conditions illustrates the profound impact prolonged meth use has on both mental and physical health.

Meth Mouth, a consequence of methamphetamine abuse, can have profound impacts on overall health by affecting various systems within the body. Apart from causing blood-borne infections due to oral wounds, meth abuse has been linked to numerous adverse health outcomes such as premature delivery, convulsions, heart issues, and increased risks of HIV and hepatitis.

Additionally, individuals who abuse meth may be more susceptible to lead poisoning, stroke, and brain damage. Furthermore, the drug can lead to meth mite itching, a discomfort stemming from heightened nerve sensitivity. The psychological effects of meth use, including paranoia and aggression, can also severely impact the individual's quality of life. Given the life-threatening health issues associated with meth abuse, prompt treatment is imperative to mitigate the damaging effects on the body.

Understanding the comprehensive range of short-term and long-term effects of meth, beyond the oral health concerns, underscores the critical need for awareness and intervention strategies to combat methamphetamine abuse. These insights into the consequences of meth use provide a clearer picture of the challenges faced by individuals entangled with this devastating drug.

Treating Meth Mouth

The first step to treating meth mouth is stopping meth use with medical detox. This process will ensure that the drug toxins are safely removed from the body so that damage will not get worse. Even though there are such noticeable cosmetic effects from abuse, many people cannot help but continue to abuse this drug. When people start using this drug, they do so for the high it provides. With time they become addicted and usually cannot stop without the help of meth treatment programs.

After the user quits using meth, they will need to visit a dental professional. Unfortunately, successful treatment may not always be possible with severe damage, but this professional will be able to help the patient determine what their options are. Their dental treatment may include filling cavities, getting false teeth, and even creating dentures.

How to Recover from Meth Addiction

The first step to treating meth addiction involves addressing the immediate need to stop using the drug. Medical detox is crucial as it safely eliminates the drug toxins from the body under professional supervision, ensuring that the individual does not suffer from severe withdrawal symptoms alone. This process not only prepares the body for the next stages of recovery but also helps prevent further damage caused by the drug.

After successfully detoxing, the recovery journey continues with comprehensive support and therapy. Recovery centers play a vital role in this phase, offering both medical and psychological support. Individuals are provided with therapies that help them understand the root causes of their addiction, which is essential for long-term recovery. These therapies also equip individuals with strategies to avoid future meth use and to cope with challenges in a healthy way.

As part of the recovery process, attention must also be given to the physical damages caused by meth use, such as 'meth mouth.' After the user quits using meth, they will need to visit a dental professional. Unfortunately, successful treatment may not always be possible with severe damage, but this professional will be able to help the patient determine what their options are. Their dental treatment may include filling cavities, getting false teeth, and even creating dentures.

The path to recovery does not end with detox and dental care. It involves a commitment to long-term sobriety and may include ongoing support from recovery groups, continued therapy, and lifestyle changes. Meth addiction is a challenging journey to face alone, but with ample resources and support, individuals can achieve lasting recovery. If you or someone you know is suffering from meth addiction, don’t be afraid to seek help; contact treatment and recovery centers to start the journey toward a healthier life.

At our Christian-based treatment center, we want to help you or your loved one overcome your substance abuse problems so that you can focus on healing and moving forward with your life.

If you are ready to begin this physical, mental, and spiritual journey with us, call us today at 888-280-4763 to learn more about Faith in Recovery.


  1. UCLA- UCLA study clarifies the oral consequences of methamphetamine abuse
  2. Mayo Clinic- Dry Mouth
  3. Mayo Clinic- Bruxism