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The Best Christian Songs for Recovery from Substance Abuse
May 21, 2020
Involving Family in Recovery
June 3, 2020
The Best Christian Songs for Recovery from Substance Abuse
May 21, 2020
Involving Family in Recovery
June 3, 2020

Dealing with Your Emotions in Recovery


Recovery from a substance abuse problem is often a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

There are several ups and down as well as many unpredictable changes in mood. While some of this journey may be positive feelings of triumph and success, many negative emotions will also make an appearance. If left unchecked, these emotions could derail your recovery journey.

Dangerous Emotions in Recovery

Many emotions in recovery can be overpowering or overwhelming. Because substance abuse problems are often tied to our mental health, these strong feelings could lead to an emotional relapse or hinder the recovery process.

Some dangerous emotions in recovery include:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Loneliness
  • Hopelessness
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Overconfidence

While these emotions are normal, they can be dangerous for someone who recently completed faith-based residential treatment and is trying to transition back to their normal life. There emotions could lead them to fall back into bad habits and eventually lead them back to addiction. Luckily there are ways of dealing with emotions in addiction recovery to stay on the right path.

How to Cope with Emotions in Recovery

Dealing with your emotions in recovery may not be easy, but it is important if you want your sobriety to last. These coping techniques can help you get more control over your emotions so that you can continue to move forward in your recovery journey.


When we are feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, we sometimes let these feelings escalate and overwhelm us. Meditation is a good way to step back from these emotions. Meditation and breathing exercises can help people relax and bring their emotions back to a more manageable level.

Analyze Your Feelings

Sometimes people in recovery may suddenly experience strong emotions and not understand why. Take a moment to analyze these feelings. Why are you feeling this way? What triggered this response? Are these emotions reasonable? Once you have the answers to all these questions, you can better deal with the emotion and also focus on how to avoid letting this emotion overwhelm you in the future.

Let Yourself Feel

Too often people believe that allowing themselves to feel negative emotions can be harmful for their mental health, but holding everything in can be just as damaging and prevents you from moving forward. It is okay to feel these emotions, but don’t let them consume you. If you are sad, cry. If you are angry, get mad. Just be sure to not take out these emotions on others.


Journaling is a great outlet for coping with negative emotions in recovery. You are able to freely express your emotions without feeling judged or embarrassed. Getting your feelings out on paper can also help take some of the weight of these emotions off of your shoulders.


Many people underestimate the power of managing emotions with faith. People with strong faith know that they can turn to God for guidance and strength when they are overwhelmed by their emotions. Prayer can help people better articulate their feelings. Themes of forgiveness in Christianity can help those who are struggling with guilt and shame.  Some Bible passages can even be a warning against letting certain emotions overpower you and a lesson on how to deal with these emotions in recovery.

Get Help

Dealing with your emotions in recovery isn’t easy, so if you are struggling, get professional help. There are plenty of therapists, support groups, and programs out there that can help you with your emotional struggles. With time, they will teach you to better recognize and manage your emotions so you do not let them overwhelm you.

Emotions are a powerful thing and could lead to relapse, so it is important that you learn to deal with your emotions in recovery properly. Our faith-based rehab facility helps people move past their addictions and better their lives, including managing their emotions and living by God’s word. Whether you or someone you care about is looking for a faith-focused approach to treatment, we want to help.

How Can Exercise Help In Relieving Stress And Managing Emotions During Recovery?

Exercise is a powerful tool for alleviating stress and managing emotions, especially during the process of recovery. Engaging in physical activities has a multifaceted impact on our wellness, significantly enhancing both mental and emotional health.

Key Benefits of Exercise for Emotional and Stress Management

  1. Endorphin Release: Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, natural brain chemicals known as 'feel-good' hormones. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in elevating mood and creating a sense of happiness, which is essential during recovery.

  2. Variety of Options: Incorporating different forms of exercise can cater to individual preferences and needs, making the routine enjoyable and sustainable. Some effective activities include:

    • Yoga, which combines physical poses with breathing exercises and meditation to enhance mental clarity.
    • Walking and hiking, which provide a change in scenery and fresh air, boosting your mood and reducing feelings of confinement.
    • Swimming, which is especially beneficial for those looking for a low-impact but high-results workout.
    • Engaging in sports, which adds a social element to exercise, helping to combat feelings of isolation.
  3. Improvement in Physical Health: Regular activity boosts overall physical health, which in turn supports mental well-being. Improved strength, stamina, and body image can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem, critical components in managing emotions and stress during recovery.

By consistently integrating exercise into a recovery program, individuals can harness these benefits to foster stability in their emotional health and effectively reduce stress. This proactive approach not only aids in recovery but also promotes a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Why Is Setting Emotions And Recovery Goals Important In Managing Emotional Problems During Recovery?

Setting both emotional and recovery-specific goals plays an integral role in effectively managing emotional problems during recovery. Here’s why it’s critical:

  1. Enhanced Focus and Tracking: Concentrating on specific goals allows individuals to maintain a sense of purpose following treatment. Actively monitoring progress towards these goals not only aids in maintaining this focus but also facilitates the early identification and management of emotional issues as they arise.

  2. Continued Support and Guidance: Recovery doesn’t happen in isolation. Remaining in continuous contact with therapists and support groups ensures ongoing support. These connections are invaluable for providing a different perspective that can highlight potential emotional distress, detect recurring patterns, and help sidestep possible complications.

  3. Objective Insight: Having a reliable support network ensures access to objective opinions and observations. Supporters and therapists stand in a unique position to offer insights that might be overlooked by the individual, particularly in recognizing early signs of emotional distress.

By setting clear emotional and recovery goals, individuals can tackle the challenges of recovery with a structured and supportive approach, enhancing both their resilience and ability to navigate emotional complexities.


To learn more about our programming and goals at Faith in Recovery, reach out to us immediately at 888-280-4763.