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The Four Absolutes of AA


Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States.

According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 18.4 million adults were suffering from alcohol use disorder. Of these 18.4 million, 9.2 million were men and 5.3 million were women.1 Since then, alcoholism rates have continued to rise. Alcoholics Anonymous is a well-known non-profit organization that helps alcoholics recover through the use of group therapies. Members of this program are part of a global community that emboldens the need for treatment and support in recovery. One of their original forms of instructions for their members is the “Four Absolutes”, meant to help members develop or strengthen their relationship with God in their recovery.

As a faith-based rehab center in Pompano, we advise people struggling with alcoholism or other forms of substance abuse to seek addiction treatment with us. We incorporate Christian values into our programs to help patients heal physically and grow spiritually. 

What Are the Four Absolutes of Alcoholics Anonymous?

The Four Absolutes of AA refer to standards used to decide what God considers appropriate behavior. These guidelines are meant to help AA members understand God’s will for their lives and help them in their recovery from substance abuse. Whether you are receiving treatment for alcohol addiction or have been sober for years, the Four Absolutes can benefit you.

Here are the Four Absolutes of AA:


Honesty refers to a person’s integrity and moral compass. It’s common for people who are trapped in addiction to lie and steal to get their next fix. It’s important to be honest in your thoughts, words, and actions. If you are a recovering addict, being honest in all you do can keep you accountable and allow yourself to live a happy and sober life.


Purity refers to identifying the difference between what is right and wrong and choosing to do the right thing. Purity leaves no room for anything that isn’t honest and good. In the midst of substance abuse, you may have known the difference between right and wrong but chose to do wrong anyway. The physical impact of addiction can make it difficult for anyone to make the right decision; that’s why purity is imperative in the recovery process.


Unselfishness refers to putting others before yourself. Substance abuse impacts both the individual and their loved ones. Thinking of how your decision could affect someone else can help you practice honesty and uphold purity well into your sobriety. Practicing unselfishness can also remind you that there are people who love you and want the best for you.


The last of AA’s Four Absolutes is love. This standard refers to receiving love by giving it to others. It is also defined as beauty. Addiction can be tormenting and horrifying for its victim but applying love can erase its ugliness.

Together, these Absolutes are not mere ideals but active daily practices that challenge individuals to refine their character continuously. By striving to measure up to these standards, individuals can achieve a higher level of self-awareness and spiritual maturity, leading to transformative changes in their personal and communal interactions. These practices are powerful tools for anyone seeking to live a principled life, facilitating personal development and nurturing a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose.

How Were The Four Absolutes Formed And Who Initially Wrote Them?

The Four Absolutes were originally authored by Robert Speer, a Christian writer, in 1904. These principles were subsequently adopted into the core teachings of The Oxford Group.

What Is The Oxford Group And It's Fundamental Spiritual Practices?

The Oxford Group, initiated in 1921 by Frank Buchman a minister from Allentown, Pennsylvania, originally started in 1908 as a Christian movement aimed at emulating the practices of early Christianity. Buchman posited that personal issues such as fear and selfishness were at the core of broader societal troubles. He advocated for the relinquishment of one’s life to the divine guidance of God as the solution to these issues. The spiritual practices fundamental to the Oxford Group include confessing sins and temptations to another follower, committing one’s entire life—past, present, and future—to God’s direction, making amends to those harmed, and seeking and following God's guidance in daily life. These practices were designed to foster a closer relationship with God and promote personal moral reformation, which Buchman believed would lead to societal improvement.


At Faith in Recovery, we know how important it is to build your relationship with God, especially throughout recovery. Anyone who struggles with alcoholism or drug abuse can get help with our Christian residential addiction treatment.

If you or someone you know needs help getting sober, call us at 888-280-4763 to find out more about our treatment options.


  1. NIH- Alcohol Facts and Statistics