Meth is not only dangerous for a person’s health but also it can cause serious cosmetic damage. Learn more about meth mouth and why this drug could ruin your smile forever.
Jesus and addiction may seem like opposites, but at Faith in Recovery, we are looking to His words for strength and understanding on this topic. Read more here.
Although crack and meth affect people differently, it doesn’t take away from the fact that both drugs are very dangerous. Visit us here to learn more about the difference between crack and meth.
Do you suspect your romantic partner is using drugs? Our Faith in Recovery rehab shares some signs you’re dating a drug addict that may confirm your doubts.
Long-term Vicodin or Norco use can lead to physical dependence, which can make it hard to quit. Faith in Recovery shares more on withdrawal from hydrocodone.
The drug experts at Faith in Recovery share the dangerous side effects of fentanyl and meth and why dealers combine the two. Read the full article here.
If you or a loved one are struggling with drugs or alcohol, call us now!
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