Having family support for addiction can make a world of a difference for anyone. Visit Faith in Recovery here to learn how you can help your loved one.
If destructive thinking has contributed to poor mental health or addiction, Faith in Recovery shares tips to change negative thoughts to positive ones here.
Staying clean after treatment can be hard to do on your own. Fortunately, Faith in Recovery is sharing a guide on how to stay sober after rehab that can help.
Communion in recovery can be a dilemma for a recovering addict or alcoholic. As a Christian rehab, we are sharing our thoughts on how to approach drinking wine at communion in recovery so that you do not have to sacrifice the benefits of the eucharist or your sobriety.
Forgiving an addict can be difficult, especially if they hurt your several times, but our Christian drug rehab has some pointers on how to forgive an addict so that you can move forward with your life.
Trying to tell people you are in recovery can be a challenge for many recovering addicts, but our faith-based treatment center has a few tips to help you with this process.